Dybbuk-frammenti © Photo: Maurizio Buscarino

Dybbuk - Text fragments

(...) The witness:

That's how it started, it began... heavens, tell me what for, tell me who for! / Why, of all the earth, is it our lot to suffer this shame. / Deaf-mute, it's as if the earth had closed its eyes...but you, heavens, you have seen us, / you were up there, looking on us from above, and yet you did not overturn! / Your blue did not turn clouded, your unoriginal blue, shone as false as ever. / The sun, ferocious executioner, red, kept turning in circles, always turning. / The moon, sinful old strumpet, went for strolls in you, at night / and the stars, filthy and winking, squinted like rats. / Go away, I won't raise my eyes to you, I won't see you, I want no more to do with you! / Oh, heavens, lying and false, oh, up above, you low heavens!

That's how it started, on the very first day and then on the second! And then / once more! Once more! Every morning, once more it began - / Ah, no sooner does misfortune begin to age than a new one begins today – listen: there's a new one already, / and new fear, new terror! Death accompanies us, follows us, faithful shadow.

The end. The heavens burn in the night: during the day they wraps themselves in smoke, at night they re-light, so frightening!/ Just as in our beginnings in the arid desert: columns of clouds during the day, at night columns of fire - / my people was full of joy then, strong in its faith, it went towards its young life, and now - / It's best that there is no God...even if it is so painful to be without Him! How it hurts me -

I believed in you once, confided in you my joys, sorrows, laughter and tears, / you are no better than the wretched earth, the great pile of manure! / I praised you, heavens, in all my songs I sang of you, in every one of my songs! / I loved you as one loves a wife. (...)
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