Moni Ovadia Stage Orchestra  

Moni Ovadia Stage Orchestra

The Moni Ovadia Stage Orchestra (formerly known as TheaterOrchestra) has reached twenty years of age since it was first formed. Moni Ovadia founded it with the idea of creating a "collective actor" to interpret his theatre pieces. It was first seen and heard in Golem, written and directed by him in 1991 together with Daniele Abbado. Since then, its membership has changed almost completely, but the ensemble is still a fundamental element of Moni's shows and often of other productions of which he is co-author.

The concept underlying the "small orchestra" as a choral character, was born from an idea which is both stylistic and dramaturgical: the attempt to put music on stage not only through its composition and interpretation, but also and above all through the musicians' bodies and their "actoral" presence.

The definition "orchestrina dell'esilio" ("orchestra of exile") which Ovadia has chosen for his musical ensemble, stems from the tragic and paradoxical case of the orchestras in Nazi concentration camps. The musicians interned in the camps, fortuitously united in their common destiny of deportation, experienced the horror of a dubious privilege: being both witnesses and victims of the abyss. The pain of being exiled from the human condition became even more excruciating when deprived of the sense and the context for which their musical education had prepared them. Within its theatrical transfiguration, Moni Ovadia's orchestra attempts to replicate that exile as in an eco, by constraining the musicians within the unnatural, uncomfortable role of actor, complete with make-up and costumes, obliged to move and "act" and "dance", forced against their nature into a double concentration, that of the music and of the acting. This discomfort and annoyance, which lessens as the performances accumulate, appears once again at the beginning of each new production, thus bringing new energy and material to the novel role of a tragicomic "chorus", scruffy and grotesque. This ramshackle chorus of instrumentalists represents an attempt at giving life to not some form of musical theatre, but to a Theatre of Music and Musicians on the stage of exile.


>> Luca Bonvini

>> Lee Colbert

>> Maurizio Dehò

>> Luca Garlaschelli

>> Massimo Marcer

>> Albert Florian Mihai

>> Mauro Pagiaro

>> Vincenzo Pasquariello

>> Paolo Rocca

>> Marian Serban

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