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Cantata greca - Story

(...) An artistic, cultural, human and political personality of the highest level, Yiannis Ritsos (1909-1990) is one of the strongest voices in contemporary Greek poetry. A political activist persecuted for his ideas, his inmense poetic output is divided into two themes: civil commitment and lyric poetry. From the second Moni Ovadia has taken inspiration for this new production, choosing two poems from the collection "The fourth dimension": "Delphi" and "The moonlight sonata".

The characters which the author allows to speak and at the same time describes from the point of view of their emotions, their uneasiness and fragility, are an old custodian of the Delphi ruins who watches as the beauty of a legendary past is consumed by the banality of a mortifying touristic outlook, and an older woman, cultured and from a good family, who has seen her dreams fade and finds herself facing the relentless action of time on all things, which in a melancholic manner continue transforming themselves. Both speak in the presence of a mute listener: young and bold, projected towards the future, with his indifference he makes the failed communication of the speakers appear ever more painful.

Music has a great importance in the theatrical transposition of the two poems. "Delphi", interpreted by Moni Ovadia alone, becomes a musical opus thanks to the music composed especially by Piero Milesi, which elaborates the topos and musical fragments from the Greek tradition in an efficacious minimal style, with the voice and the word becoming instruments also thanks to the double linguistic register of Italian and Greek.

In "The moonlight sonata", the poem is interwoven with the notes of the first movement of Beethoven's sonata of the same name. The musicality of the verse and the word take nourishment from the rythm of this celebrated piano composition. This second part sees Ovadia side by side with the pianist Vincenzo Pasquariello and Ornella Balestra, who with her coreography interprets the moods of the old woman.

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