Mame-note-1 © Photo: Maurizio Buscarino

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Mame, Mamele, Mama - Author's notes

On the threshold of the third millennium, impetuous technological and scientific transformations anounce a new era, which seems to bring anthropological changes, unimaginable even just a few years back. Genetic engineering has opened the doors to forms of creation and reproduction which in the future might allow us to do without natural generative laws. These new generative processes have an incredible symbolic and fantastic value.

The "male logic" behind scientific action seems to have crossed the last frontier and conquered a territory which was once exclusively female: the generative pietas of woman, a mysterious synthesis of the human and the divine.

To us, born and raised – the last of a myriad generations – in the reality and the myth of the mother as a generative unicum, this momentous event might seem like a bell tolling the end of the human being as we know it who has inhabited this earth with consequences we are all well aware of, and which will inhabit it no more. So, orphaned of our mother but also of "the mother" herself, we inevitably and needfully turn to observe the twilight of this human divinity in her protean reality and, for better or for worse, to sing her praises.
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