Mame-frammenti-1 © Photo: Maurizio Buscarino

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Mame, Mamele, Mama - Text fragments

(The curtain rises. The stage is empty. A music-box plays a children's melody. Moaning and tearing at his clothes, the Polish-Jewish Orphan enters.)

- Mama umarla!... Mama umarla! Mama nie zije i co teraz nami bedzie, bez mamy jak sobie bez niej dami rade ale ja cie zachowam mama, we mnie mamoi gdzie jestes? Mama umarla!... Mama umarla!

(One by one, stunned, the eleven Orphaned Musicians in Search of a Mother stagger on stage. The mechanical prompters on each side of the stage show us the translation of the Orphan's lines:)

The mother is dead! / The mother is dead! / What will beccome of us now without her? / How shall we live? / But I will always carry you inside me, mother. / Mother, where are you?

(The Orchestra Conductor enters, calls for their attention, the musicians prepare to play. The music begins. From the back of the stage the Pretentious Orphaned Daughter enters walking slowly towards the front. She intones the Kaddish for the dead mother:)


Yisgadal, v'yiskadash sh'mei rabbaw (all: Amein)

B'allmaw dee v'raw chir'usei v'yamlich malchusei, v'yatzmach purkanei v'kareiv m'shichei (all: Amein)

B'chayeichon, uv'yomeichon, uv'chayei d'chol beis yisroel, ba'agawlaw

u'vizman kawriv, v'imru: Amein (all: Amein)

Y'hei sh'mei rabbaw m'vawrach l'allam u'l'allmei allmayaw.

Y'hei sh'mei rabbaw m'vawrach, l'allam u'l'allmei allmayaw.Yis'bawrach

v'yishtabach, v'yispaw'ar, v'yisromam, v'yis'nasei,

v'yis'hadar, v'yis'aleh, v'yis'halawl sh'mei d'kudshaw b'rich hu

L'aylaw min kol / L'aylaw ul'aylaw mikol / bir'chawsaw v'shirawsaw,

tush'b'chawsaw v'nechemawsaw, da'ami'rawn b'allmaw v'imru: Amein (all: Amein) Y'hei shlawmaw rabbaw min sh'mayaw, v'chayim tovim

awleinu v'al kol yisroel, v'imru: Amein (all: Amein)

Oseh shawlom bim'ro'mawv, hu b'rachamawv ya'aseh shawlom awleinu,

v'al kol yisroel v'imru: Amein (all: Amein)

Glorified and sanctified be God's great name throughout the world which He has created according to His will.

May He establish His kingdom in your lifetime and during your days, and within the life of the entire House of Israel, speedily and soon; and say, Amen.

May His great name be blessed forever and to all eternity. Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored, adored and lauded be the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, beyond all the blessings and hymns, praises and consolations that are ever spoken in the world; and say, Amen.

May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen.

He who creates peace in His celestial heights, may He create peace for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen.
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