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Platero y yo - Rassegna stampa

Platero y Yo

di Anne-Marie Turcotte - 25 novembre 2003

Spettacolo emozionante giovedì 20 novembre scorso al Teatro Villoresi per la rassegna "Teatro+Tempo presente", curata da Corrado Accordino e Elio De Capitani.

Era di scena "Platero y Yo", poema in prosa dello scrittore spagnolo Juan Ramón Jiménez (Premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1956), musicato dal compositore italiano Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco; la rappresentazione ha visto impegnati l'intensa voce recitante di Moni Ovadia e lo straordinario chitarrista Emanuele Segre, riconosciuto internazionalmente come uno degli esponenti più rappresentativi del concertismo italiano...









Platero y yo - Press


Platero y yo

by Anne-Marie Turcotte - 23 november 2003


An exciting concert was presented on Thursday, Novembre 20th at Teatro Villoresi within the "Teatro+Tempo presente" festival, organized by Corrado Accordino and Elio De Capitani.

On stage, "Platero y Yo", prose-poem by the Spanish writer Juan Ramón Jiménez (Nobel Laureate for literature in 1956), set to music by the Italian composer Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco; the piece saw the performance as narrator of Moni Ovadia's intense voice, together with extraordinary guitarist Emanuele Segre, recognized internationally as one of Italy's most important concert musicians...



Platero_Frammenti © Photo: Marco Zanirato

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Platero y yo - Text Fragments

 (...) The Gypsies

Look at her, Platero. There she comes down the street, in the copper sun, tall and straight, looking at no one...

How well she carries her past beauty, still vigorous, as if carved in oak, a yellow kerchief for a belt, in Winter the blue skirt hemmed with white!

Off to the Town Hall, to get permission to camp down, as always, behind the cemetery. Do you remember the gypsies' wretched tents, their fires, their flashy women and their starving donkeys. The donkeys, Platero! All the donkeys in Friseta must be shaking with fear, as they hear the gypsy sounds behind their low courtyards! I have no fear for Platero, to reach his stall they'd have to jump over half the village; and Rengel, the caretaker, is fond of me and also of Platero. But, to scare him, as a joke, I say in a dark, grave voice: - Inside, Platero, go inside! I'm going to shut the gate, or else they might steal you.

Platero, certain that the gypsies won't steal him, passes trotting through the gate which slams behind him with a clang of iron and crystal, and hops from the marble courtyard to the flower yard, and from there, like an arrow, breaking – brutal! – a plant in his brief getaway. (...)





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Platero y yo - Author's notes

This work by the Spanish poet and Noble Laureate for literature Juan Ramón Jiménez, is dedicated to the story of a friendship between Platero (a donkey) and the poet.

It is a prose-poem which evokes a rustic world, between fantasy and reality, against the backdrop of Andalucia and its landscape. The poet refers to the donkey's life and feelings in order to learn and reflect about nature and the world of men. In brief scenes, he narrates Platero's existence who, together with the poet, travels along the roads of Moguer – where Jimenez spent his youth – helping him during the journey to rediscover a sentiment for life.

Between illusions and certainties, the donkey guides the poet through these places of his youth, where mystery is recomposed and the poetry of time is able to give new life to the intense sentiment which flows in humble and beautiful things. Making poetry becomes here a search for wisdom, a wisdom which finds its center in the acceptance of life by recognizing pain and death as a part of itself .
Born in Florence in 1895, Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco soon became one of the most widely performed composers of his generation. Among the many greats who loved and played his music let us remember Toscanini, Heifetz, Piatigorski, Gieseking and Segovia.

After the passing of the 1938 Racial Laws in Italy, he managed, with Toscanini's and Heifetz's support, to take refuge in the USA with his family. He remained there till his death in 1968.

Thanks to his belief in the expressive potencial of the guitar and to his collaboration with Andrés Segovia, Castelnuovo-Tedesco dedicated to this instrument numerous compositions.

Although, as a composer, he was quite traditional in his style of writing, he was among the first 20th century musicians to compose a Concerto for guitar and orchestra. Furthermore, he experimented with audacious instrumental matches, proposing unusual combinations for the guitar as is the case in Romancero Gitano for chorus and guitar, and in this Platero y yo, for narrator and guitar.

Platero y yo – the delicate fresco which consists of 128 prose-poems by Juan Ramón Jiménez – is a sequence of 'narrative scenes' in which the great Spanish poet imagines he is speaking with his donkey. From these 'scenes', Castelnuovo-Tedesco carefully chose twenty-eight, revealing a brilliant talent for merging very well-written music into the weave of Jimenez' masterpiece. The dialogue between the narrator and the music flows intensely, the music is not a simple commentary but, on the contrary, collaborates fully with the text in order to create a single poetic dicourse.

During this concert, Moni Ovadia and I present thirteen lyrics, those we considered to be most representative of the whole work. They respond, both in musical and poetical terms, to our own personal taste. The selection also includes a lyric which Castelnuovo-Tedesco did not set to music
(with which Moni Ovadia opens the evening) but which we found to be particularly significant.

The evening ends, upon the death of Platero, with the performance of Maurice Ravel's Pavane pour une infante défunte, in Castelnuovo-Tedesco's transcription for solo guitar: this transcription remained unpublished for many years and was given to me in 1995, on the centennial of the composer's birth, by one of his children.

Emanuele Segre


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