Es_IZ_A-rassegnas-1 © Photo: Luca D'Agostino

Es Iz Amerike! Cosa ci vuoi fare è l'America! - Press

«Theatre against anti-semitism and prejudices: Moni Ovadia at Rubiera with his "Es Iz Amerike! Cosa ci vuoi fare è l'America!")»

by Chiara Affronte

L'Unità (ed.Bologna) - 4 January, 2005 July, Verona

Perhaps not so many people know about the extroardinary encounter between Jewish and American cultures as well as it deserves. The fact emerges from time to time, but it hasn't yet been thoroughly analyzed. Few [in Italy] know that geniuses such as Woody Allen, George Gershwin, Leonard Bernstein, Bob Dylan are Jewish...


America according to Ovadia, between glamour and melancholy

by Rodolfo di Giammarco

La Repubblica, Rome - 14 November, 2005

Wearing a real comedian's tuxedo, energy and inventiveness pouring from every part of his body, skipping from gag to anecdote, to protest song and poetry and the tools of civic oratory which reveal the Jewish origin of much of the American pantheon, Moni Ovadia, exhilarating and moving showman, rolls out his richest show yet. Rich in history, in warnings, full of glamour but also of sudden moodiness, of violent melancholy. (...)


Moni the storyteller narrates the American dream, with verve

by Tiberia de Matteis

Il Tempo, Rome - 10 November 2005

An America in balance between dream and reality is the protagonist of the composite fresco, witty and creative, devised by Moni Ovadia in Es iz Amerike!, a semi-serious scenic game which reconstructs the emigration of the Eastern Jews to the land of promise and miracles, and their gradual integration into a constantly changing society. In addition to the sociological itinerary conducted by Ovadia with his usual ability, through anecdotes and quotes from popular chronicles and Yiddish wisdom, we are offered an analysis of the influence exerted by the Jewish song on the musical tradition of America in the 20th century.


A full piazza for Ovadia's new show, in which he is a much admired guide

by Roberto Rochira

Il Piccolo, Trieste - 26 July 2005

"Es iz Amerike!" [...] filled piazza Duomo, conquering the audience with his inexhaustible verve. [...] Between words and music, exhilarating stories, moments of invective, imaginative portraits in color and melancholy photos in black and white, Ovadia once again fully demonstrated his talent[...]. Shivers in the Finale, with "Wichita Vortex Sutra", the famous poem by Allen Ginsberg and the song "Hard rain's a-gonna fall" by Robert Zimmermann, a.k.a. Bob Dylan.

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